What Our Clients Say


It used to take three of my reservations team (including me) pretty much all day on a busy Saturday to call all the guests and let them know that their vacation rental was ready for their arrival. With VRWorks’ Text/Email notification system I can do all the notifications for 300+ vacation properties by myself. Plus, our check-in instructions now let the guest know that they’ll receive notification on their phone the instant their rental is ready which has cut down on the number of calls we used to get from guests checking on when their unit will be ready. And because we get more of our guests in early, they are much happier with their rental experience.

-Larry Mochrie, Lead Vacation Planner

Director of Operations

VRWorks helps my team get their cleaning schedule set up really easily because it allows us to create a default schedule that we can use as a base and make modifications as we need to. It saves my team of Operations and Property Managers at least 2 to 3 hours a week in building the schedule and notifying the cleaners of their cleaning assignments. It also makes checking cleaning invoices a breeze because the system verifies the invoice before it’s even submitted.  For me, the Dispatch screen allows me to watch over our entire operation making sure that all our zones are progressing as they should on a busy check out-check in day.

-Matt DeVos, Director of Operations

Operations Manager

The Dispatch screen gives me a quick visual on our progress right away and all throughout the day. That helps me avoid units running late because I can redistribute the work quickly so that we keep things running on time. The housekeepers check in and out of their assigned units so we can tell if a housekeeper is running behind long before check in time. Plus I can also keep track of my inspectors to make sure that key piece of our quality control doesn’t get missed.

-Donielle Salogub, Operations Manager

Property Manager

I spend check in day out in the field. VRWorks lets me stay on top my housekeepers’ progress throughout the day without having to call them all the time. If I see a housekeeper running behind I can get to them well in advance of it becoming a check in disaster.  And, it also keeps my inspection schedule on my phone as well so I can let headquarter know how I’m doing throughout the day.

-Connie Sims, Property Manager


I used to have to call or text my boss when I finished cleaning a unit.  Now all I have to do is hit the app button to let them know when I start and when I finish. VRWorks also lets me send my invoices from my phone which saves me more time and I don’t lose track of my cleans. I also get my cleaning schedule right on my phone! In Spanish!

-Rosa Velasquez, Housekeeping Team Leader

Ama de casa

Solía tener que llamar o enviar un mensaje de texto a mi jefe cuando terminé de limpiar una unidad. Ahora todo lo que tengo que hacer es presionar el botón de la aplicación para avisarles cuándo comienzo y cuándo termino. VRWorks también me permite enviar mis facturas desde mi teléfono, lo que me ahorra más tiempo y no pierdo la pista de mis limpiezas. ¡También tengo mi horario de limpieza en mi teléfono! ¡En español!

-Rosa Velasquez, Jefe de equipo de limpieza